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 how we got herE 

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Our brokenness inspires us to help others.

Our stories aren't easy. They aren't polished or shiny - quite the opposite, actually.   We are messy and tarnished and broken. Our mistakes have paved the way for us to be who we are today: restored and on a journey of healing where we have met countless people who have found themselves in similar places. Broken marriages.  Poor choices. Impossible consequences. We've met people like us, who have justifiable reasons to be disqualified from a good life. They motivate us to be vulnerable. They challenge us to show courage. They inspire our efforts to share our healing and cultivate hope.

We live in a culture that is brutal toward people who make mistakes. Moral failures are not forgiven easily and social media can be used as an agent of shaming and punishment. People are left not only in the wake of their choices and the natural consequences that life usually provides, but are also scrutinized to a point of hopelessness, believing they can never be restored. We want to change that.  Our goal as we continue to heal and grow from our own derailed lives is to give others hope that change is possible. In our work, we've seen that people can learn from their mistakes and become healthier. We've watched couples work hard to restore their marriage after infidelity and witnessed individuals who humbly grow and have allowed themselves to be redeemed from addiction and moral failure. We believe that the very nature of our humanity is to find new meaning in impossible circumstances and we want to help people find that resilience. 


While there are plenty of reasons why at least one if not both of us should be disqualified from helping others, we have been encouraged to learn that the very experiences some will use to disqualify us are the same reasons others will say we are qualified. We feel honored when we get to step into the hardest places with people and partner with them as we walk together into a healthier life.  We have failed big... but we have overcome bigger, and we want to use our stories to help others realize that they can too.  

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Angela's Credentials
Chad's Credentials

Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy

​Certified  EFT Therapist and Supervisor

PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision

Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor

Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy

Leader of faith based 12-step program

Certified Life Coach and Speaker

Author and Vlogger

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