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The Rebuild

Working Tools

Because getting people healthy is hard work

We have learned that when we can make a positive connection in a person's life, we have a better chance to influence change. We've often noticed that by including others in our own journey, it creates an avenue for being invited into theirs.


Chad partners with other therapists who are in their supervision phase or learning EFT. Angela sponsors, mentors and coaches people on who are putting their lives back together when things haven't gone according to plan.


The ReBuild Project provides an avenue for The Imhoffs to get resources into the hands of 'people in process'. Maybe it's getting a bill paid or helping someone get part time work until a person can get ahead of their circumstances. We want to add to the healing work that people are already doing to make getting healthy a little easier.

There are many ways to contribute to our cause, email us to find out how.

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